April 2023

MANAGEMENT TRENDS... from page 38.

regarding pay rates are higher than ever, however, with the competitive management atmosphere, associa tion’s often times are looking at the cheapest bids. What they do not real ize is that this is only hurting the asso ciation. Taking cut-rate contracts does not allow management companies to compensate our employees prop erly. This leads to managers having too large of portfolios that they sim “Salaries are one of the trickiest things to navigate as part of this process.” ply cannot service. Cut-rate contracts also lead to dissatisfaction from both employees and associations leading to high turnover and poor service to the association. In this industry consis tency is key, changing a management company or manager will only push the association back a full year, if not more. All of the above will not only be essential in bringing in new talent but will also be used to retain great talent. n

Isn't it time you found out how to control the insurance market, instead of letting the insurance market control you?

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