April 2023

YOUNGER SELF... from page 26.

3) Set Boundaries. Establish expecta tions for boards and residents that you work with that will set a clear boundary between professional and personal, and acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Too many managers are expected to put up with abusive behavior because somehow that has become part of the job. People will treat you the way that you allow them to. If you allow abusive behavior, that will likely encourage more abu sive behavior in the future. If you calmly and clearly establish bound aries and expectations for accept able behaviors, you will establish a professional relationship built on mutual respect. Harold Berlowe Director of Sales & Project Management, Denali Property Management, Inc. If I could go back in time and speak to the younger me just starting out in property management, some sage advice I would offer from my years of experience in the business would be that a professional property manag er is a small business consultant--not an administrative assistant or secretary. Therefore, the best way to provide pro fessional property management services- -and save yourself a whole lot of wasted time and aggravation--is to guide your boards through their decision-making processes with an understanding of their “business” from a high-level view.

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Visit the website of CAI-NJ www.cainj.org



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