April 2018

“New Jersey is now requiring local health

will in turn be passed on to service companies and communities.

swimming pools over 2,000 square feet and/or over 5 feet in depth. While the height of these stands is not articulated by the Code, the expectation is that these stands have adequate height for the lifeguard to observe their entire zone of coverage. Lifeguards must also have a good van- tage point to see beneath the water so they will benefit from the elevated platforms. There are many types of stands available so it is important to obtain advice from your aquatic pro- fessional for the best solution. The contents of the required first aid kit have also changed. The com- plete list of contents can be found in Appendix B of the new Code. It is important to note that quantities of required contents depends on the square footage of the swimming pool.

officers to inspect seasonal pools at least once during the season.”

Equipment Changes Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, are now required for all swim- ming pools that employ a lifeguard. This lifesaving piece of equipment is used to help victims suffering from a sudden car- diac arrest. The machine analyzes the rhythm of the victim’s heart and provides a shock if needed to help restore a proper cadence. Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Since American Red Cross Lifeguards are AED trained, it makes sense to require such equipment to be accessible to them from a commu- nity health standpoint. Elevated lifeguard stands or plat- forms are now required for guarded

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All first aid kit restocking is expected to occur within 24 hours of use so that the kit always remains in compliance. Swimming pools that employ salt chlorine generators must have salinity test on site. The new Code recognizes that many pools are now using this tech- nology and that there is a need to have the ability to test salt levels regularly to maintain their effectiveness in sanitation.



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