2022 CAI-NJ September LAC Issue


Get the most out of your chapter membership by getting involved and joining a committee! LAC (Legislative Action Committee) – As you can see from this issue which is presented by the LAC, and incudes articles authored by the committee’s members, we are extremely fortunate to have such a devoted group of volunteers, that are dedicated to improving the common interest communities in which many of us work or live. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize all that they do and thank them for their dedication! Committee Sign-ups – Whenever a member asks me, how they can get the most out of their chapter membership, my response is always, “Join one of our 11- chapter commit tees”! It’s committee sign-up time! If you would like to network with your peers and become a leader in our industry, while helping us to better serve our members by lending your exper tise, this is your opportunity. Choose the one that’s best for you. Details for each committee can be found on page 45, or on our website, https://cainj.org/committee-sign-ups/ • Awards Committee – Help plan the kick-off event of the year, our Annual Awards Celebration. This elegant event honors the past year’s president and celebrates members demonstrating excellence in our industry. • Business Partner Committee – This committee, com prised solely of Business Partner Members, creates programs and benefits to enhance the value offered through membership for not only business partners, but community association managers and homeowner leaders as well while allowing for opportunities to foster relationships within the industry. • Conference & Expo Committee – This two-day event, begins with the Pre-Conference Networking Reception fol lowed by the Conference & Expo on the second day. Help plan and execute the chapter’s signature event, ensuring

“If you would like to network with your peers and become a leader in our industry, while helping us to better serve our members by lending your expertise, this is your opportunity.” • Editorial Committee – The chapter’s monthly magazine, Community Trends ® , is an important resource for all three Membership Representation Groups (MRGs) of CAI. The Editorial committee is responsible for soliciting, reviewing, and editing all articles for publication in the magazine. • Events Committee – Assist with the planning and exe cution of both the Beach Party, attended by over 600 members, and the elegant Winter Break Party, the final networking event of the year. The committee establishes the event themes, secures sponsorships, solicits atten dance, and assists with registration for both events. • Future All Star Team (F.A.S.T.) Committee – This commit tee is comprised of our young rising stars, the future lead ers of our industry. Their focus is on professional devel opment, civic outreach, and charitable fundraising, as they make a positive impact on our communities. They plan and execute events such as the Annual Olympics and Kickball Tournament, just to name a few, raising donations for Make-A-Wish New Jersey in addition to clothing and school supply drives throughout the year. • Golf Committee – Our Annual Dennis R. Casale Memorial Golf Outing, attended by more than 250 golf ers, is one of our premier events. The Golf Committee that homeowners, managers, and business partners come together for timely education and resources.



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