2022 CAI-NJ September LAC Issue
DEBT COLLECTION... from page 23.
LAC Will Seek to Carve Out CIC Associations From A3131 The LAC opposes A3131 in its cur rent form (which includes CIC associa tions) as it will impede an association’s ability to collect debts directly and in the normal course. There is consider able ambiguity in the wording of some of the restrictions (i.e., “in a manner as to harass or embarrass” and “unreason able hours, with unreasonable frequen cy”). A delinquent unit owner who has his or her right to use amenities revoked because they are not in good standing might try to argue that such a debt collection tactic amounts to harassment or embarrassment. Likewise, the restric tion on joining a debtor’s social media could amount to a violation of the leg islation if board members are already
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2022 LECTURE SERIES Cannabis in Your Community: Understanding the Laws Affecting Associations in NJ
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Program 9:00 am -11:30 am Renaissance at Raritan Valley, Somerset
Attention Homeowners & Community Managers! Don’t miss this informative discussion to help your community! Presented by: Martin Cabalar, Esq., Becker Managers will receive 2 CECs by attending the entire program. Breakfast will be provided. FREE Education for CAI-NJ Manager & Homeowner Members - Pre-registration is required. Register early! - Seating is limited! https://www.cai-nj.org/event-4901485
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