a message from...
2016 was a very exciting year for the CAI-NJ chapter. This was the first full year in our new head- quarters in Freehold, in which our new building allowed us to make several exciting changes to our chapter. First, the new facility enabled us to host all of our committee meetings here as opposed to travel- ing around the state. Frommeetings to education and events, this new office building has provid- ed the chapter with some of the tools we were missing. The relocation to our new location also allowed us to introduce our “Lecture Series” which was very successful. We held several sold out sessions in our upstairs classroom and provided our members with another great resource. Another major contribution to our successes during 2016 was due to the fact that we had continu- ity with the office team. The chapter’s staff was unchanged during the year which provided for a much more productive and cohesive operation.
I am excited to see what the new year holds for CAI-NJ. We are all ready to leap into the new year and are confi- dent that we can raise the bar even higher in 2017. I look forward to seeing you all at the 2017 CAI-NJ pro- grams and events. I hope you are happy with your membership here at CAI-NJ, and as alway’s my door is open to discuss what we can do to make your experi- ence with CAI-NJ a more successful.
Larry P. Thomas, PCAM Chapter Executive Director
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