2016 CAI-NJ Membership Directory

James Bertan Association Advisors New Jersey LLC 28 East Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728-2200 (732) 294-8882, voice

Matthew S. Begley, CMCA, PCAM Panther Valley Property Owners Assn. PO Box 54 Allamuchy, NJ 07820-0054 (908) 799-3119, voice (908) 852-8121, fax matt@pvpoa.org Donna M. Belkot, CMCA, AMS, ARM Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO 100 Franklin Square Drive, Suite 203 www.taylormgt.com Teresa Benavente Premier Management Associates, AAMC 140 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632-2514 (201) 947-1001, voice (201) 947-4471, fax tbenavente@premiermanagement.net Kristie Lynn Bendick, CMCA RMG Regency Management Group, Inc., AAMC 605 Candlewood Commons Howell, NJ 07731-2173 (732) 364-5900, voice (732) 905-8606, fax kbendick@regencymanagementgroup.biz David Bennett, CMCA, AMS Gardens Plaza, a Condominium 921 Park Place Ocean City, NJ 08226-4072 (609) 399-1320, voice (609) 399-8841, fax davegardensplaza@aim.com thegardensplaza.com James Bennett, CMCA Preferred Community Management Services, LLC 35 Clyde Road, Suite 102 Somerset, NJ 08873 (732) 873-1258, voice (732) 873-1870, fax jbennett@pcmsus.com www.preferredcommunitymanagementservices.com Harold Berlowe mem property management 35 Journal Square, Suite 1025 Jersey City, NJ 07306-4007 (201) 798-1080 (9912), voice (201) 798-8588, fax hberlowe@memproperty.com Michael C. Berman The Plaza Condominium Association 101 S. Plaza Place Atlantic City, NJ 08401-5649 (609) 344-2220, voice (609) 344-8951, fax mcbuzzman@aol.com Somerset, NJ 08873-4109 (732) 764-1001 (120), voice (732) 764-1005, fax dbelkot@taylormgt.com

(732) 294-8884, fax james@askaa.com www.askaanj.com

Tracy Blair, CMCA, AMS, PCAM Access Property Management, LLC, AMO, AAMC 4 Walter E. Foran Boulevard, Suite 311 Flemington, NJ 08822-4668 (908) 806-2600, voice (908) 806-7383, fax tblair@accesspm.com Richard Blenden, CMCA, AMS, PCAM The Blenden Group 374 Millburn Avenue, Suite 205E Millburn, NJ 07041-1350 (973) 379-0434, voice (973) 379-6250, fax richard@blendengroup.com Dennis Boccasino Greenbriar Oceanaire Community Assn. 1 Heritage Circle Waretown, NJ 08758-2656 (609) 693-8484, voice (609) 693-9072, fax dennyboc2846@yahoo.com Beth Bocchino, CMCA, AMS FirstService Residential PO Box 3 Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 (973) 945-2272, voice (973) 267-0943, fax elizabeth.bocchino@fsresidential.com Thomas Boland Executive Property Management, AAMC 118 Hampshire Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536-4323 (609) 275-7353 (151), voice (609) 275-0891, fax tom.boland@epmwebsite.com Yvette R. Boone Taylor Management Company, AAMC, AMO 80 S. Jefferson Road, Floor 2

Whippany, NJ 07981 (973) 736-4618 voice (973) 736-3211 fax yboone@taylormgt.com Dennis Branflick Jasco Management Partners 47 Mill Road Jersey City, NJ 07302-3105 (201) 309-0303, voice (201) 309-0319, fax dbranflick@jascomgmt.com


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