2016 CAI-NJ Membership Directory
Radom & WetteR attoRNeys at laW
Thoughtful Counseling Vigorous Advocacy
c E l E B R a t i n g o V E R 2 0 y E a R S representing homeowners and community associations assessment Collection • Contract Formation L itigation • Covenant enforcement Fair Housing Compliance our community association experience brings you efficient, quality service at a good value. Call us today to put our years of experience to work for you .
908.707.1500 R adom a nd W EttER . com
A ttorneys S uSan J R adom , E Sq . • m aRk aW EttER , E Sq . V anESSa H illSdon , E Sq . • R. d aniEl o’B RiEn , iii E Sq . l aWREncE J n agy , E Sq . • d ona F EEnEy , E Sq .
245 Route 22 West, Bridgewater NJ 08807 908.707.1500 p • 908.707.4181 f
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