2016 CAI-NJ Membership Directory
Servpro of Eatontown/Long Branch John Majeski PO Box 8129 Red Bank, NJ 07701-8129 (732) 578-9888, voice (732) 578-9788, fax servpro9598@verizon.net www.servproofeatontownlongbranch.com Servpro of Freehold, Middletown, So. Jersey City, Bayonne, Greater Hunterdon Patricia Clemente 306 Monmouth Road Millstone, NJ 08510 (732) 489-1329, voice (732) 431-4840, fax pclemente@servprooffreehold.com www.servprooffreehold.com Premier Partner
Cowleys Pest Services Bill Cowley 38 W. Sylvania Avenue Neptune City, NJ 07753-6733 (732) 897-9553, voice (732) 897-9577, fax bill@cowleys.com www.cowleys.com Falcon Engineering, Architecture & Energy Consulting Andrew Amorosi, PE, RS. M.ASCE 682 US Highway 202/206 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-1704 (908) 595-0050, voice (908) 595-0012, fax aamorosi@falconengineering.com www.falconengineering.com Kondo Kare Maintenance & Reconstruction, LLC Kurt Christensen ELITE PARTNER 3092 Shafto Road, Unit 8 Tinton Falls, NJ 07753-8504 (732) 513-7946, voice (732) 922-2235, fax kondokare@aol.com www.kondokare.com Remediation Specialists, Inc. Renee Miraglia 533 Whitehead Road Hamilton, NJ 08619-4801 www.remediationspecialists.com Onorati Construction Paving & Masonry Contractors Jack Onorati 19D Elcock Avenue Boonton, NJ 07005-8844 (973) 334-0210, voice (973) 334-5591, fax onoco@optonline.net www.onoraticonstruction.com (800) 395-8368, voice rmiraglia@rsinj.com
Bergen Drain Cleaning Lenny Serrao 38 E. Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450-3808 (800) 430-9566, voice (201) 461-0962, fax info@ingroundpipefix.com www.bergendraincleaning.com Quality 1st Companies Thomas Roman 359 Route 35 South Cliffwood, NJ 07721-1178 (732) 697-0557, voice
(732) 697-0559, fax bobc@q1team.com www.Quality1stCompanies.com Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc. Eleni Giannikopoulos 96 US Highway 206, Suite 101 Flanders, NJ 07836 (973) 398-1776, voice (973) 398-2121, fax eleni.g@suburbanconsulting.com www.suburbanconsulting.com Premier Partner
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